1 One eye, after another The light is coming through It's time, to put on the toaster and of course, to read the news There's been, another disaster That makes the papers sell But then, there's also the lady who's cat won the Nobel 2 The town, is under the snow It must be the CO2 I might, just walk to the store It might melt an inch or two And so the world goes on According to plan Meanwhile, I think I will go for a little stroll in the sun This doesn't look good ref I tread, moment by moment Through the walk of life One step after another I take all my time There's something new, on every corner It'll be there when I come around I'm so busy living the moment Future can wait I'll get there in time 3 Busy bees rushing to work to pay the rent and the bill Time's money, money's time Hamster keeps turning the wheel And I wonder, wonder and wonder will he ever stop Will the wheel ever break down and shoot him out of the loop ref 4 slow Do we ever take our time To stop pushing and stand still To look at the sky, look at each other Hold hands, and laugh That cat, has found a way To sit outside the time I might stop by that lady and get his autograph ref